After several weeks of planning and hard work, we are excited to finally debut the new design for the Key Residential website. We hope the new website will allow our visitors to gain an even deeper understanding of who we are at Key Residential and the quality work that we pride ourselves on when it comes to home remodeling and construction. Take a look around to discover more about the types of projects we do, learn more about the individual members of Key Residential’s team, and enjoy our expanded gallery of project photos. If you are interested in starting a project on your own home then visit our Contact Us page to let us know.
In conjunction with the release of our new website design, we are also excited to launch a new blog that can be easily accessed directly through our website. Through our blog we hope to share more in depth looks at our ongoing projects and home remodeling in general, highlight completed projects and the designs and features that make each one unique, provide insights on the latest design trends, and of course share plenty of photos. Older posts can still be accessed through our previous blog, but all new posts will be shared here. We will also link to new posts on our Facebook page.
Lastly, Key Residential is now a member of Instagram. Follow us for up to date photos from job sites as we plan to offer an inside look at the day to day excitement on our job sites. And if you are not already following us on Facebook then be sure to stop by and like our page. Photos from completed projects and ongoing projects, as well as news about Key Residential will be shared their first.
And while you're here, take a sneak peak at three of our latest completed projects. More photos from each will be posted soon!